Eat locally grown POD Fresh Food

Quite simply every town or city in the world has a need for a large number of AgriPOD vertical farmers who are equipped to address the problem of future food security.

Traditional food production methods are becoming more unreliable and this creates fluctuations in food costs and supply. Urban population in cities and towns will increase from 50% in 2011 to 70% in 2050.

As a result, the world is not producing or at least supplying enough food. New ways to increase food supply or make more efficient use of existing resources need to be developed. The “Urban Agriculture” concept is very fashionable, but generally it is implemented seasonally, or with existing greenhouses that do not maximize the financial returns, have no beneficial impact on the environment nor will such initiatives greatly reduce the net carbon footprint for food, due to high energy cost for “out of season” food
The land available to grow food in the developed countries is diminishing, so we need to expand where and how we grow. Using land or spaces previously considered unsuitable, such as rooftops and car parks etc. is becoming more common. However, in industrialized urban areas, soil contamination (brown fields), along with air and water pollution can be an issue, while in other areas infertile soil is increasing due to climatic factors and the loss and degradation of the fertility of soils, thus requiring more dependency on synthetic fertilizers and agriculture chemicals. Finally, there is increasing pressure to make the most of the limited fresh water supplies available, when urban and agriculture demand often are in conflict.

How does it work?

AgriPOD, by enabling year round growing, can create steady employment and thus establish prosperity that is sustainable; a cooperative economy generating vast number of green social businesses and jobs.

Build the future

Based on the Solaroof technology, AgriPOD is High and Low Tech combined

Plenty 4 ALL

With Agripod, it’s possible to create a future of abundance for all.

Solar Innovation

Recreate a Closed Ecosystem that really benefits the power of solar energy.

Time to act
Don’t wait until it’s too late

Quite simply every town or city in the world has a need for a large number of AgriPOD vertical farmers who are equipped to address the problem of future food security.

Erratic weather patterns has caused chaos in the supply of food leading to escalating food prices. The AgriPOD has been designed to be mass produced and delivered to anywhere in the world that can receive a 40ft (12m) container.

Help us create
a future of abundance for all !

AgriPOD : reinvent the future
of Agriculture with us

Zero Carbon
Fresh food and water production

Fresh, healthy food should be produced without relying on fossil fuels, and should come from local sources.

Endless Benefits with Agripod Enterprise

Would you like to be among the first to reap the benefits of this ecological revolution?

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